deterioration of the brain
Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter - Genetics Home.
You can train your brain to slow deterioration - Lake Oconee Breeze.
Researchers Find Early Brain Deterioration in Unexpected Location.
Psychic trauma causing grossly reduced brain metabolism and cognitive deterioration. Markowitsch HJ, Kessler J, Van Der Ven C, Weber-Luxenburger G.
Aug 22, 2012. This control deteriorates, however, as a consequence of certain brain injuries and in certain mental disorders such as schizophrenia. For this.
deterioration of the brain
Alcohol and Brain.Epilepsia. 1998 Jan;39(1):27-32. Reversible pseudoatrophy of the brain and mental deterioration associated with valproate treatment. Guerrini R, Belmonte A.
Brain Fitness Prevents Cognitive Deterioration in MS Patients.
Linking Brain and Behavior - Serendip - Bryn Mawr College.